Collections of Security Protocols

The AVISPA Library

The AVISPA Library is a collection of specifications of security protocols and problems written in the HLPSL by the AVISPA Team and automatically analysed with the AVISPA Tool. This set of protocols is a large subset of those described in Deliverable 6.1: List of selected problems. For each protocol, we describe its purpose, the message exchange in the Alice&Bob-style notation, the expected security properties and their classification, the attacks found (if any), and the actual HLPSL specification. Where appropriate, we give further explanations and comments.

The AVISPA Library is structured in three sections:

User-Contributed Protocol Specifications

The following protocol specifications have been independently developed by users of the AVISPA Tool. If you have comments or feedback on these specifications, please contact directly the authors. If you are an AVISPA user and wish to add your protocol specifications to this list, please send them to the avispa-users mailing list (Email Subject: user-contributed protocol specification, template).
AVISPA is a Shared Cost RTD (FET open) project funded by the Information Society Technologies programme of the European Commission, as IST-2001-39252.